On this page you will find the most popular shaped memorials used in cemeteries and churchyards today. They are available in 2 sizes - 2'3" and 2'6" high (not including the base). The standard colours are Black and Dark Grey granite - the other colours on our samples page are also available. One container hole is included as standard.
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The memorials on this page vary in shape from standard types. For further types, please see the carved section. Most of the memorials are available in 2 sizes - 2'3" and 2'6" high (not including the base). Please see the colour samples page for the granite colours available. One container hole is included as standard.
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These memorials cover the whole grave space. You will need to check with the Church or Chapel if it meets their regulations. For Council Cemeteries, full memorials are not permitted in new sections. In some cases, where a full memorial is beyond repair, a new full memorial will be permitted.
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